Nokia’s Secret Codes, Tips and Tricks
1. IMEI:
- *#06# – For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity.
2. Service menu
- In order to check the Service menu *#92702689#
3. Software version
- In order to show software version *#0000# or *#6110#
4. Quick SMS Typing
- When typing SMS messages, you have to wait some seconds before you can type the next letter if it is in the same button than the previous one.
- For example try to write the word “letter“, you have to wait before you can enter the second “t“.
- A much faster solution is to press the # button twice and then the letter “t“
5. Quick saving while in call
- Saving numbers to memory during a call If you type a number into your phone during a call, you will lose it when the call ends.
- To prevent this happening just hold down Memory button — the number will be saved (with no name) to the next available memory location
6. Closing the slide without ending a call
- If you press the menu key and then close the sliding cover during a call you will not end your call.
- Nokia instrument comes with a reserve battery. To activate, key is *3370#
- Your cell will restart with this reserve and your instrument will show a 50% incerase in battery.
- This reserve will get charged when you charge your cell next.
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Security code
- *#2640# gives the security code that is in use
. Default Security Code
- 12345 This is the default security code press and hold #
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