Thursday, 5 March 2015

How to use single name on Facebook profile 2015

single name techmas101.tkHello friends we are back with a cool Facebook trick "How to use single name on Facebook profile 2015". Many of our readers requested us to share a trick to use Facebook with a single name. As you know that you can't create a Facebook account without last name, which means you have to give your first nameand as well as the last name, in order to create your Facebook account. But there is a very easy trick, by which you can use your Facebook with a single name.

Here you only need to change your proxy settings and then edit the facebook profile name. Just follow the below
 tutorial in order to use Facebook account with a single name.

Note 1:
 This trick is completely safe for creating single name (First Name) only for your Facebook  account. 

Note 2: This trick works only
 on Mozilla Firefox browser.

Steps to Make Single Name (First Name) for your Facebook account. 
1. Open Mozilla Firefox browser.

2. Click on Tools
 ►►Options ►► Advanced►► Network.

3. Click on Settings from  as shown in the
 picture given below.

fb single name

4. Now click on
 Manual proxy Configuration►► HTTP Proxy.
fb single name

5. Now make the following changes in HTTP Proxy & Port as shown in the above

·         HTTP Proxy:
·         Port: 8080 
6. Tick mark on "use this proxy server for all protocols" and click on "OK".

 If the above proxy is not working, then try the below proxies or else you need to go to this Link. Make the following changes, as shown in the below picture.

7. After changing the Proxy settings successfully, open your Facebook account  and

8. Now go to
►► Account Settings ►► Language.

9. Change the language from English (US) to "Bahasa Indonesia" and save it, as shown in above picture.

10. Now edit your name with
 First name (only name which you want to use on Facebook) and leave the last name column blank. Enter your password and save it as shown below.

. After successfully completing all the above steps, change your language into English (US) and save it.

12. Now again go to Mozilla Firefox settings and change
  Options ►► Advanced►► Network.

13. Select Settings and then select "Use System Proxy" and Click OK.

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